Our Approach

Take Long-Term View
We are focused on deploying our capital to grow our portfolio of businesses and to create value for the long term. As we are not constrained by artificial investment horizons, we make investment decisions while looking beyond short-term market cycles.

Maintain Culture, Identity, and Independence
Our team provides our competitive advantage. While we support our portfolio companies, we allow them to operate independently and retain their own identities. This decentralized structure helps to maintain our businesses’ creativity, enthusiasm, and entrepreneurship.

Provide Supporting Resources
Beyond capital, we provide our companies with professional advisory and administrative services that few companies of comparable size enjoy. These services include a global sourcing team, full-time legal, and compliance professionals, IT infrastructure and support, human resources and logistics specialists, centralized benefits, and environmental health and safety services.

Facilitate Cooperation Across Operations
We encourage all of our companies to share customer and vendor relationships, management practices, and innovative technologies with each other. Our management teams meet with their industry cohorts several times per year, and our business leaders meet annually each December. This collaboration generates business opportunities that help our businesses thrive.

Support and Develop Personnel
Our talented team is the key to our success. We invest in the training of all our team members, both in their specific roles, and particularly in their safety practices. We also encourage our team members to take on new roles at different companies or locations within The Heico Companies to further their professional growth.

Provide Strategic Guidance
We utilize the deep industry experience and operating acumen accumulated across our companies to help us guide and grow our businesses. Our executives meet with each of our operating teams every year to discuss their strategies, encourage innovation, and support growth.